Wednesday, 1 May 2013

My exam details

This is the link to my website

I am submitting the home page, headline page, Manx news page, events page and the contact us page. 

My full name is Marie Weale and my Candidate number is 2741

The final three pages of my paper

These were orginally the final three pages of my paper, however while I was doing my evaluation I noticed that there was some small tidying up issues and one spelling mistake so I have changed them slightly.

Front Page

I made sure that there was the margin around the whole of the front cover and made sure it was as even as possible. I also changed the font size on the cover story as when i printed it of I realised that it was a little bit to big. I have also changed the position of the date and added a price, which is quite important. 

Second page

On this page I changed the layout slightly so that the margin was slightly bigger and it was equal all around the page. I also introduced a box around the 'JAR' advert because I wanted to include a phone number as an advert without one is a little bit pointless. I also made the picture of 'Elliot' a little bit smaller. 

Third page. 

On  this page I changed the margin line so that it was all the way round the page and I also changed the layout slightly with the 'To young to drive' story. I thought that when I looked at the story that it was  a huge block of text for a paper, especcially one that gives summary news. So I decided that a better layout for the story would be collums as it breaks it up and it does not look as much. I also decided to change were I put the image as one image directly under another did not look right and the page looked uneven so I decided to put the image at the other end to allow it to look better. 

Monday, 8 April 2013

Adding my new logo to everything and creating my third page.

This is the front of my paper with the old logo on the front. I am comparing and contrasting between to two to make sure that the new logo looks better than  the older one.

This is the front of my paper with the new logo and I think that it is much more eye catching and appealing. This makes the paper look more high quality and I am happy with the way that is looks.

This is my new logo on my website, I am thinking that the grey background does not look very professional  So I am going to make it white and put a black line around it like I had before.

This is the white logo with the black outline, this looks much better than the previous logo and the black outline makes it stand out against the already white background for the website.

I have now put the new logo on my paper and my ancillary texts.

I have decided to make some slight changes to my front page of my paper. Only small things which I will now highlight.
The changes that I have made are really small but I think that they are important. First of all I realized that I never emphasized that fact that this is and 'independent paper'. So I have chosen to put the word 'Independent' at the top of the page in bold so that it stands out from the rest of the sentence and it is at the top of the page which could make it stand out.

I printed out the page in the tabloid size and realized that the font for my main cover story 'Tynwald say YES, now we pay fees!' was to big so I have made it smaller to a size 12 now so that it fits in with the rest of the cover. I also changed the title of the story so that it fits in with the story on the website, I put the word 'YES' in capital letters so that it stands out more.

I have decided to create a third page of my paper for the reason that I  want to show the continuity and how my paper flows and I also want to show why I have chosen to position stories in certain places. I realize that I have not been asked to create a third page but  I think that it is important to do this project to the best of my ability and I feel that a third page is necessary.

Third page.  

This is the main story for my third page of the paper, 'Tynwald say YES, now we pay fees.' This is the full length story that I  have copied in from my website which I now plan to turn into a summary and use one of the images I have pasted on the page. I have included one image from the BBC report on the tuition fees protests and I plan to decide which image looks the best. 

I have sumerised the article considerably and chose to use the image that I have taken from the BBC report however, I have stated underneath the image that it is from the BBC report, the only reason I did not have an original image is because I was part of the protests and did not think to take any pictures. 

I am now going to see which articles would look good on the second half of the page, underneath the finished article. 

I have added the 'To young to drive?' story and image to the bottom of the page and this is because it is a story that does apply to a lot of my target audience and not just the ones that could possibly be effected by the rise in driving age but so many have already been effected by the rising insurance quotes. 
I thought that putting this story on the third page was a really good place and I think it is well positioned at the bottom of the page. 

I have added a story called 'Have no fear, there is no quarter pint of beer'. Which is about Tynwald attempting to put forward new measurements of alcohol to deal with the large amount of alcohol related disease and the amount of under age drinking that happens here. I have not included any images here as I do not feel that they are necessary. I have chosen to put this story on the third page because I feel that it is something that my readers will be interested in and it is something that could potentially effect a lot of them. Also underneath the 'Tynwald say YES, now we pay fees' story I have chosen to add a line saying 
Want to give your opinion? Email the paper at and get your voice heard!

I feel that this is necessary to advertise that people can email in to the paper and are able to get their views heard. The way that I have positioned this also looks good as it breaks up the black and white page and gives it a bit of colour, I have chosen red so that it sticks with the reoccurring house theme and  does not step outside the boundaries of the paper. 

I have entered the final story to the page and it now looks like this.
As you can see I have changed the layout slightly so that everything fits on the page properly and looks professional.